Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shuttin it down like windows task manager.

d Why is this happening.
dsfsf Well. Havent blogged in a good while so...just gonna get right in it. I just want a motorcycle jacket. In all honesty ive probalby watned one since i saw nicks in like 8th 9th grade, and then last year I was out by tysons and spotted one. THat one was 100 bucks, and I found the one above for like 80! whooo. I know they are real trendy (pharrell...kanye...wayne??) but I mean, gotta do what you gotta do. Probably will buy one this summer via HAVING A JOB FINALLY. Have I ever mentioned I have a big love of jackets? More than shoes even? well...maybe more than shoes. anyway...
This book is about Richard Marcinko time in the navy. It is basicly a biography of Marcinko and his exploits, which include many things but most importantly his stint as a seal and creator/leader of seal team six. If you are at all interested in reading, the navy, Navy SEALs, or violence, i highly recommend it. I always figured that SEALs recieved more hype than they deserved but after reading this and learning of Marcinkos fate, I have no doubts of their insane ways and killing capabilites.
Dixon Ticonderoga. You know in youve got mail? In the begginng when Tom Hanks says falls reminds him of school and he wishes he could send boucays of freshly sharpend pencils? These are the pencils i think of. They feel like a pencil should, smell like a pencil should, and most importanlty-write like a pencil should. I had to take a test today and without one of these badboys resting in my hand I felt almost completley naked! When artists draw a pencil, they draw one of these bad boys. So heres to you, dixon ticonderoga.
When the South Park "queef" episode came on i felt myself almost completely lost. South Park is usually hit or miss, and this one felt waaaay off target. THey made up for it the next week though, with the insanely awsome fish dix episode. I follow kanyes blog pretty well and I think most people decided to ignore that his ego had started deflate a few weeks earlier. In any event, this picture is awsome and according to 'ye's blog he was even offerd free fish sticks from a cheese cake factory manager shortly after the episode aired. Such a culmination of culture, tv, fashion, food, is this not a bloggers dream!?
This blog needed a car so here it is! I'm not the biggest fan of hot rods (ESPECIALLY t srsly, y?!) but I find the bubble sub genre pretty wierd and interesting. Didn really research this one as much as I should have. It MUST get hot in there? right? well in any event heres a link to a waaay more bad ass looking bubble-rod
While were on hot rods/classic autos I might as well mention Rat Fink. I'm not sure of this guys history either althought im sure its come up atleast once when I was watching Discovery Channel. He draws animals (specifically rats) in a really awsome looking hot rods. Usually accompied by huge burn outs and a onlooking crowd. google this man! hes a beast!
Thinking I might also spend some of my soon-to-be-hard-earned summer dollars on a flip. I want some true HD, so the fact that the Flip Mino HD is only 720. So im lookin at an ultra maybe. I don konw. For those of you that dont know a flip is like the ultimate blogger/vlogger tool. It takes about an hour of video at a time and has a built in usb (obviously) which plugs right into the side of your puter.
d If I win the lottery I am going to buy a bunch of dumb stuff and a ST Johns education. its like 50k a year. I looked at it before graduating and my english teacher is an alumni this semester. he said it only cost like 16k so i thought about going there maybe next fall or something....but uhm...definatley 50k prof BREW jeezz....way to get my hopes up! This school is based all around socratic seminars and you basicly diretly read/translate old texts and discuss them in big bropus. I imagine that the degree is almost useless unless your going to grad/law school. Wiki it, google it, just know.
Nick had a headband like that when we went down to savannah, ive wanted one(s) like it ever sense. I call them "toothpaste" headbands cause that what they remind me of. If you find any holla at me!!!!!

wheres porky pig when you need him?

that that hathahtahthat thats all folks!

ps cnn are a bunch of sensationalist idiots and should be ashamed of thesmeves in wake of both the mexican drug cartel bs and this new swine flu things. like seriosly, is this what american people watn from a news agency??

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