Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shuttin it down like windows task manager.

d Why is this happening.
dsfsf Well. Havent blogged in a good while so...just gonna get right in it. I just want a motorcycle jacket. In all honesty ive probalby watned one since i saw nicks in like 8th 9th grade, and then last year I was out by tysons and spotted one. THat one was 100 bucks, and I found the one above for like 80! whooo. I know they are real trendy (pharrell...kanye...wayne??) but I mean, gotta do what you gotta do. Probably will buy one this summer via HAVING A JOB FINALLY. Have I ever mentioned I have a big love of jackets? More than shoes even? well...maybe more than shoes. anyway...
This book is about Richard Marcinko time in the navy. It is basicly a biography of Marcinko and his exploits, which include many things but most importantly his stint as a seal and creator/leader of seal team six. If you are at all interested in reading, the navy, Navy SEALs, or violence, i highly recommend it. I always figured that SEALs recieved more hype than they deserved but after reading this and learning of Marcinkos fate, I have no doubts of their insane ways and killing capabilites.
Dixon Ticonderoga. You know in youve got mail? In the begginng when Tom Hanks says falls reminds him of school and he wishes he could send boucays of freshly sharpend pencils? These are the pencils i think of. They feel like a pencil should, smell like a pencil should, and most importanlty-write like a pencil should. I had to take a test today and without one of these badboys resting in my hand I felt almost completley naked! When artists draw a pencil, they draw one of these bad boys. So heres to you, dixon ticonderoga.
When the South Park "queef" episode came on i felt myself almost completely lost. South Park is usually hit or miss, and this one felt waaaay off target. THey made up for it the next week though, with the insanely awsome fish dix episode. I follow kanyes blog pretty well and I think most people decided to ignore that his ego had started deflate a few weeks earlier. In any event, this picture is awsome and according to 'ye's blog he was even offerd free fish sticks from a cheese cake factory manager shortly after the episode aired. Such a culmination of culture, tv, fashion, food, is this not a bloggers dream!?
This blog needed a car so here it is! I'm not the biggest fan of hot rods (ESPECIALLY t srsly, y?!) but I find the bubble sub genre pretty wierd and interesting. Didn really research this one as much as I should have. It MUST get hot in there? right? well in any event heres a link to a waaay more bad ass looking bubble-rod
While were on hot rods/classic autos I might as well mention Rat Fink. I'm not sure of this guys history either althought im sure its come up atleast once when I was watching Discovery Channel. He draws animals (specifically rats) in a really awsome looking hot rods. Usually accompied by huge burn outs and a onlooking crowd. google this man! hes a beast!
Thinking I might also spend some of my soon-to-be-hard-earned summer dollars on a flip. I want some true HD, so the fact that the Flip Mino HD is only 720. So im lookin at an ultra maybe. I don konw. For those of you that dont know a flip is like the ultimate blogger/vlogger tool. It takes about an hour of video at a time and has a built in usb (obviously) which plugs right into the side of your puter.
d If I win the lottery I am going to buy a bunch of dumb stuff and a ST Johns education. its like 50k a year. I looked at it before graduating and my english teacher is an alumni this semester. he said it only cost like 16k so i thought about going there maybe next fall or something....but uhm...definatley 50k prof BREW jeezz....way to get my hopes up! This school is based all around socratic seminars and you basicly diretly read/translate old texts and discuss them in big bropus. I imagine that the degree is almost useless unless your going to grad/law school. Wiki it, google it, just know.
Nick had a headband like that when we went down to savannah, ive wanted one(s) like it ever sense. I call them "toothpaste" headbands cause that what they remind me of. If you find any holla at me!!!!!

wheres porky pig when you need him?

that that hathahtahthat thats all folks!

ps cnn are a bunch of sensationalist idiots and should be ashamed of thesmeves in wake of both the mexican drug cartel bs and this new swine flu things. like seriosly, is this what american people watn from a news agency??

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Im in the right-clique like "save image as".

Well let me just say that I now know that bloggin aint easy, but somebodys gotta do it. I apologise for the dishevelled look of things around here, but adding pictues is just far too difficult and until I find a better way (and I will!) this is as good as it gets! So first and foremost you will see a space camp photo above this txt. When I was a kid i remember seeing the space camp commerifcals during day time tv (couldnt find the video, even on youtube) wishing I was staring at those television/computer screens rather than my own. Likely a scam/possible brainwashing center It doesnt bother me much that I never made it. But I love anything from my childhood, like most people, so its posted.
This is salad fingers. He is rediculous. I have been going on newgrounds in one way or the other cents 2nd or 3rd grade. When it was just me, tom fulp, and a couple teletubby games. Thats when flash was more of an art than a science. I recommend both, highly, so go head and wander your way on over to and enjoy. Do not drown.
These ladies and gentlemen are chucks. I have not posted anymore nikes because they have been blogged to death. You will notice these are lather, and have BEAUTIFUL blue stitching on the all star. One of the few things that bothers me on the chuck is that patch which usually has navy stitching on it. Now, navy and black might go together in some peoples eyes, but not in mine. I just took my chuck off to exanimine it more, and its not neccesarily a navy blue but it is nowhere as brilliant as this pictures makes that royal blue look, and im onehelluva SUCKER for royal blue. geez, leme tell ya.

My post are taking some kind of orginization, and now that weve passed childhood and footwear, were on to nerddom! These are miniuatures from a tabletop game called WARHAMMER 40,000 aka warhammer 40k or even just 40k, im sure, amongst 1337 mofo's. Never played when I was a kid but my dad did buy me what I have realized was a tactical set of space marines. (nerd warning!) I dont know if these was the first fiction area to invent the cliche super bug aliens vs humans in big metal armors/mutant humans vs creepy aliens but it seems like it to me. It predates strarshiptroopesr, starcraft, predator,aliens, and everyhting esle i can think of. I give dnd most of the credit for every magic/elves/dwafs/dragons fiction after it, and I bestow upon you, warhammer 40k, a similair spot amongst the scifi crowd. One of my many guilty pleasures on the intnert is checking the 40k website daily, and I even used to lurk(SHOOP DA WHOOOPP!!!) over at cant say I have been recently..though.... I found a warhammer wiki , and heres the official site.

This is michael jacksons bus. I have a complete obsession with cars. Alot of people will tell you that, and It is easy to later discover that they have an obsession with overpriced, exotic, wheeled works of art and performance. Wheeled super fast art is by far my favorite flavor of cars, but I can even show love for mini vans! This is a "neoplan" type bus,and is essentialy a super modern european double decker decked out the to brim. I will not provide links for moar(lurk lurk lurk) info as I dont supporrt the rediculous sensationalim surround jacko's acution and this shit, so you can lurk it on your ownsome.
Well it happend, i needed to post a picture down here and uploaed it to blogger which put it way the fuck up up top. So im just here to apoligze for curisng and say this coke bottle is awsome. I like the silouhette (sp) of the og coke bottle but never liked the whole grooved-green-glass look. This, I think, is a way happy medium. I'm a big fan of a good logo, and the Coke Script is DEFFINATELY up there. I'am also a fan of huge rediculous branding, so these bottles pretty much perfect for me. Once you imagine the feel of frigid aluminum in your palm on a muggy summer day, this really starts to sound like the best medium for coke since horizontal mirrors.
That toatser movie! took me forever to figure out it was called "the brave little toaster" some things from childhood, to me, are highly murker and fuzzy. This movie is not one of them. I have not seen it since it was burned into the childhood portion of my brain but i still know that this is the seen from the junkyard, with the electromagnet with the mean eyes, that theres a monster truck guy that scoops them to his pawn shop, theres a sequence in a rediculous garden, and that at somepoint they escape through a fire escpae into a dumpster. compared to my memoires of other childhood movies (secrets of nihm, ferngully) thast an awfull lots of stuff. Great movie, plan on watching it on some boring college saturday.

I loved the Dark Knight, dont get me wrong, and Heath Ledger beasted, but thats not the joker i know and love. His suit was purple enough, he didn have a flower on his lapel, and he didnt sound like mark hammil. He got most of the big things right, missed a few (can anyone say harlyquin?) but its all good to me. I know any interpriation of a comic has to cut some things, and make upa few of its in (harley quin in the series...racheal daws? in the movie?!?!) but i think the ANIMATED SERIES is just so excellent. if you havent seen it, tivo it, buy it, torrent it, whatever. If you have seen it, remember it, rewatch it, cherish it. BATMAN! the animated seires! one of the greatest animated series EVER (shout out batman beyond, whlie were here) I cant get into how amazing this series really was. It was one of thoes things I watched well into my teendom, and now adulthood, and felt not guilty at all about. In fact the only other animated show i can really think of as widely acceptable to me in a social situation is...well...the simpsons!
Which brings us here. Theres alot of hype around the watchmen so i super nerded out and went ahead and found this completely arbitrary picture that suits me, my blog, and this paragraph perfectly. If you havent read the novel (its a big comic book, imo), and you see this movie, do NOT TALK AOBUT. the Fanboys will murder your newfag ass into over 9,000 pieces until next thursday, because they read it 2 days before loast thurdsay and way before the beging of time (lurk all of those prhaes, inviduaually, and you will understand the whole). It is a piece of pop culture treasure, an art masterpiece, a commentary in the ranks of woodwarps exposal of water, some of SNL's skit, with the deep plot of shakespear, and the insight of some real sociologist (durkheim? jane adams?). Its just amazing, and this picture make sme laugh everytime. I have looked/luaghed at this for days/dozens of times and JUST got the v for vendetta joke. Goddamn you simpsons writer, goddamn you to hellllzzzz!! times like these remind of me the simpsons first and foremst, but also of southpark, most notably SIMPSONS DID IT SIMPSONS DID IT. cause i mean, really, theyve run the old book, the newest book, everybook in between and gagged every gagged till it can choke no more. in any event, i took some nyquil 40 mins ago and its kickin in

Sorry this blog hasnt been as savvy, articulatre or easy to read as both of us hoped, but HEY! its been a while and i was bored. Plus now I have lurked a lil for you and gave you some directions to go in. I think of blogs as the internets gas stations. When your lost, they can really help you in the right direction, and when your bored from cruisin through the us highway system, they give you somewhere to take a break, enjoy the scenery, and meet some locals.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dont get used to this many updates!

I mentioned dungeouns and dragons in my last post and I did a little MOAR LURK and found out the founder (pictured) Gary Gygax has passed away. I'm not into the whole sympathy-for-people-you-dont-know-passing away, but anyone who invents something so complicated almost singlehandledly, and has the ability to bring it to millions of people is a crucial genius in my mind. So heres to you man, thanks for the funs.

I cant think of a good segway into this next topic. Girl Talk, Wale, Cool Kids. Those are hip music people, you should know girl talk if your cool, wale if your awsome, and cool kids if your near our level. If you were really really hip though, you would have e603 blastin out your retro lasonic boombox (you know I do!). Download it, twitteer it, brag to your friends about. Throw a sorority raver and get props for pretrending to be mixing it yourself!

I have wanted dude boots for a long time. Not like Nike boots(got em!) or even like motorcycle boots, but like "girly" boots. And recently, I have become my serious in my pursuit of leggings. And frankly, I will be posting a series of photos of what I think might ever work on me, but probably not. And also, a real quick shout out to my mans link, cause sometime last night he got me a tunic search, and I found out hes wearing what can best be described as a highly decorative "viking" tunic. I've always been kinda jealous of girls rockin big stunty belts in the middle of their outfits, and of their bootwear, AND leggings and link rocks all that shit. Granted hes a mythical character and his best friend is a fairy, but I mean, whatevs.

Has anyone else never had an orange julious? i had seen it been spoofed and stuff, but figured it was something else that died out in the eighties (dayglo! pop up headlights!). Anyways, just mentiongn. Wish i could try one right now....

Definately Have been stepping up my twitter game. Today, While waiting in line for my free grand slam (picutre) def twitterd into right into my followers/facebook/blog. I was kinda wondering what twitters real apeal was before this,but once I realized the NUMBER of things it connected, not just how it connected them, it all made perfect sense.

Ifyou use via in real life conversation you either a pretentious dbag or awsome or a billionaire.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I dont plan on these posts being this regular.

I enjoy a good marketing scheme. Recently I have noticed red bull is just a beast. I always knew they were sponsoring awsome stuff like low level plane races and travis pastrana, but it seems everytime I see something amazingly super cool and death defying (search "thrillbillies" on youtube) they have a redbull helmet/sticker on. Alas their symbol is highly awsome and the origin story is one of excessive greed and ruthless ambition, and it should be no other way (nike?anyone?). As a side note, I googled tom ford the other day and realized his marketing scheme was also rather clever, to the point, and controversial. These series of photographs made me think that maybe marketing posters should be considerd art. Along with other out standing marketing sings like the dr pepper song, or the "Mars Blackmon" Jordan commercials. Pics below:

I have a thing for sneakers. I guess I always kind of appreciated sneakers. I did really acknowledge my own attractoin to footwear until high school, when I realized that blank, simply nikes were simply obnoxoius/ugly. Even in middle school i thought the popular choice of chuck taylors trumped this effortless attempt at fashion (or even STYLE?!) but it grew more and more popular (shout out nelly!). In any event. Obviously I love jordans! I think dunks are awsome too, mostly because that silhouette is just so iconic. When I think if a sneaker i think of a that perfect three panel design, in those three quinticential flavors: low, mid with a strap, and hi top. The swoosh is really to me a swoosh on what is the footwear equivilent of the original ice cream cone. But some of my favorite non-dunk/Jordan/nike basketball shoes (did i mention foamposites yet?) are Reebok Pump Omnilites. I think that, by far and large, the colorways are atrocious, but some are fuckin great. Most notably the hybefull dee brown 1991's:

In a perfect world, no one would eat fast food. But this aint wal greens! So today was my first real experience at a taco bell. After I got through the terrible service (they gave me two gorditas intead of my requested one gordita and one chilupa) I feasted down on a gordita and chilupa. The gordita seemed to be not much more than a terrible attempt at a chicken gyro, while the chilupa offerd something differnt. a warm, crunchy, terrible-for-you-but-welcome-to-america taste that only fast food can offer. Before biting this I was almsot positive this was my first and last taco bell visit. But a chilupa craving, and the need for more of that limited edition mountain dew (how did they work that deal out, anyway?!) might draw me back for more.

Im a nerd at core. Actaully, im a nerd a few centimeters below the surface. I seem to find myslef checking out gadgets and video games daily, and more importantly, a few times a week i look up some Dungeouns and Dragons monsters, miniatures or more on wikipedia, or google. I often regularly check, too, for some out of this world (pun alert!) inspiritaion, attention to detail, and craftsmanship. In any event, wikipedias main article today got me thinking, man a stegosarus back blade would make one helluva shield in dungeousn in dragons! perfect size, shape, and i hear bone is 5 times stronger than steel (pound for pound that is!)!! Next thing ya know, im surfin the facebook waves and someone mentions dnd. Funny How fate works out sometimes, aint it?!
Ps: I love the casio/keffiyeh fads. i know im super late, trust me, i adopted early. I love to know EXACTLY what time it is, never know the date, and not that i am in college, sometiems i dont know what day it is. And i love some good neckwear, any accessorie that works in the hot and cold, and anything that is antiwear/pro other cultures. Best fads ever. (I kinda dig the whole greaser thing, but it has some rather mean undertones. shout out punk rock too (or more specificaly street punk? (double shout out tripple parenthesis)))

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just started.

I blog so much dediced to start my own.

first things on the soon-to-be-world-famous-coolest cool list.

I mean bape hoodies is what thing and i thoguth was this kinda cool until i read about THE FLIP DOWN FACEMASK! and DETACHABLE CAPE!!! only minuses are that they claim each jank is different.

So I found the greatest thing available at seven eleven since sliced bread and rubbers:
If you fux with crunch bars, or you fux with ice cream, or if you just fux in genreal, this is the shit for your. Words cant describe. Just do it (no Nike)

Raimbow cake will also change ur life: